
Forever, starting now

When the Oscars Death Race ended this year, I felt ... kinda sad. It was time-consuming, a bit stressful and often torturous (see: The Wolfman) going through it, but when I didn't have any more movies to squeeze into my busy schedule, I realized how much I was enjoying it all. I also realized that with a deadline, I'd gotten through way more of the movies on my list than ever before. I work under deadlines professionally, so I know they can be great motivators. But I'd never really thought about implementing them for fun before.

As it turns out, I'm the kind of masochist who enjoys living under pressure. So why not use it for good? Here, I'll be laying out goals and deadlines, then tracking my progress as I (hopefully) meet them. I promise to stick to fun, life-enhancing experiences -- no Jersey Shore marathons or whining about weight loss. Here are the three goals I've come up with so far:

  • Best Picture Death Race: In the absence of an actual Oscars Death Race, I'll be attempting to see all of the Best Picture winners in chronological order, starting with 1929's Wings. Deadline: Oscar Night 2012.
  • Passport to Everywhere: I have 39 empty spots in my passport, and about three years before it expires. The goal is to earn extra pages before I need to renew. Deadline: May 4, 2014.
  • Twice Baked Challenge: When Kimra and I started our blog, my goal was to have baked my way through it within a year. That deadline came and went, but with this new focus, I'm hoping to correct the situation. Deadline: Dec. 31, 2011.


Liz Dulac said...

I love it Ciara!
I took a stab at finishing most of the AFI's top 100 films over winter break! 100 is a lot...and I will have to pick it back up after the semester ends:)
Good luck!!

-Lizzie Dulac

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